You start with an empty plot and have at your disposal many tools to get your business running. Corporation Inc Corporation Inc is one part building, one part office management… all built from the ground up. Corporation Inc is one part building, one part office management… all b. In 2002, a national survey of 4,500 high school students found that 75 percent of them engaged in cheating and more than half plagiarized content they found on the Internet. Included: Five fun lessons that teach needed note-taking skills. As teachers, however, we might be able to reverse that trend by teaching our students to take good notes. Take Note: Five Lessons for Note Taking Fun If recent surveys are any indicator, cheating and plagiarism are on the rise. It even features built-in support for iTunes™ (and iPods&trade), mobile devices and social networks like MySpace™. With no client to install, you can start using Eyejot immediately with any browser, on any platform. It offers everyone the ability to create and receive video messages in a self-contained, spam-free environment.

What's Eyejot? Eyejot is the first, comprehensive, client-free online video messaging platform ideal for both personal and business communications.